martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

A letter to someone I miss.

Dear Tati: You`ve been my best friend for a couple of years, a couple of the best years of my life. I miss you like hell. I miss your incredible family. I miss those girl`s nights. I miss being jealous of Vicky. I miss hating our enemies. I miss eating a lot. I miss every chocolate milk of every Saturday morning. I really don`t know what happened with us. However, I see that your life has changed, I see that you have gorgeous friends, and I dare to say that you are very happy and don`t seem to miss me at all. That`s all I need to be content. What the amount of how much I miss you has no measure. I would like everything to be as it was before, but I know it isn`t possible. Continue being happy as you are, and, if you aren`t, don`t let bastards ruin your days. Love you `til the very end. Josefina

2 comentarios:

January ~ dijo...

Qué copado lo de la música! No es muy común..Envidiable poder tocar alguno de esos instrumentos..Sólo me digno a apreciar jajaj
Me encanta el arte en todas sus formas también..:)

Es gracioso en un punto porqe veo que en todxs los que conozco que les encanta el arte hay una relación directa con la incapacidad en el deporte. Es una teoría que poco a poco voy desarrollando con más fuerza jajjaja


January ~ dijo...

Ah y por cierto me copa mucho el desafío que estás llevando a cabo jajja..Muy copado :D